How to Research and Person or Transaction By using the Find Person link, you can search by Check number, Email, Household ID, Name, Phone #, SSN or Unit Number. There is also a way you can search by payment amounts, document numbers and more through Payments & RealPage Exchange. Finding Transactions in th…
How to Request Resident Refunds for Overpayments or Duplicate Payments Go to Administration Click on Other Click on Miscellaneous Income Ledgers Click on Show transactions Check the box ‘Open Only’ Description reflects who the credit is/are for Usually this means a charge needs to be added to…
How to Research your General Ledger in OneSite This is a super helpful tool when combing through your financials weekly/monthly. Example, you have $(463) in New Rent Concessions on your May 2023 Financials, and you want to research who got those concessions. *You're able to drill into all Income in OneSite. To …