Go to Administration > Leasing and Rents > Other > Rentable Items > Rentable types and items
Click Add/view Items
In this example, this pulls up all of the storage units' setup at this property. Setting the Unit Associations is how these are displayed online (Online Leasing)
You can associate these by unit(s), by Building, or Associate to all units
When setting the unit associations, keep in mind the proximity of that item to each unit/building.
Scenario 1: Let's say the storage units are located in one location on the property, so you could associate all units to the storages. When someone goes online to lease any available unit, all available (unrented) storage units will be visible to rent.
Scenario 2: Let's say you have garages throughout the property, and you have a large property. Garage 101 is at the front of the property. Unit 2102 is at the back of the property. You probably won't want to associate Garage 101 with unit 2102 due to location.
Each property will have different scenarios. You determine what is best for your property.