Open the Applicant/Resident Profile > Overview Tab > Click Manage for the Scheduled Billing
Change the drop down menu to Future > Then click + New-Current
First example, we want to give $1000 off December 2024 - There are a couple of ways to set this up.
Here's one - You can setup as a "Monthly" Concession but be sure you enter the Start and End Date for the same month (If they're only getting the $1000 off of one month)
Choose the Concession Code > Month They're Going to Receive the Concession
**Note, the system will default the end date to 12/31/2099 so it's very important that you adjust the end date.
Another way is to set this up as a daily concession. If they are only getting $1000 off of the 1st of December and you use the daily option, be sure Start and End on 12/1/2024
Another example, a less likely scenario, but if you wanted to give the concession on a specific day of the month. Let's say that you want to give them $1000 on the 15th of December 2024. If you use the Monthly Option, You'll enter the start Date of 12/15/2024-12/31/2024 and check the box to 'Do No Prorate'.
Another way to set this up would be to setup as a Daily Concession, starting and ending on 12/15/2024