How to Register for Self-Service Password Reset
You can visit this link directly to register:
On this step, simply click Next to proceed into the Self-Service Password Reset process.
Next, you’ll see a screen like this, but you’ll only need to configure one of the options.
On whichever option you prefer, click the blue link that says, “Set it up now”. If you selected Mobile Phone, you’ll see a screen like this one.
Enter your phone number, select United States (+1) from the drop-down menu, and then click text me.
You will receive a text message from Microsoft (87892) that states the following:
“Use verification code 000000 for Microsoft Authentication.”
This code will always six numbers, and it will always be formatted like that. In some cases, the code will be colored blue, but it most cases it will appear as normal text.
Once you get the code and enter it, you’re done! Click Done and you will now be registered for SelfService Password reset.